Brussel Sprouts
Toscano Kale
Asparagus forest.
Yes, it's a forest. And it's taller than either of us.
We are doing succession planting so there will always be some ready to eat! We are doing it with both kale varieties, beets, carrots, kohlrabi and bok choy. This is baby kale.
Any one want spearmint? Come and visit and receive a free transplant of it! We have a lot and it grows like a weed. Ben has been making fresh spearmint tea. Right along side of it, the purple flowers, are chives.
We were very blessed to have established fruit trees. All are bearing fruit except for the cherry trees...
Hazelnuts! We have quite a few hazelnut bushes. They are a bush that blooms in winter and it takes all summer to grow the nuts. We can harvest them in fall, when the bush turns brown. They grow in the clump of leaves, shown in the middle of the picture.
Black Walnuts
We bought 75 raspberry plants (2 red varieties and 1 golden) and 200 strawberry plants. The plants arrived a week early, the first week we moved in. We just picked a few spots randomly and planted them. Looking back, I wish we would have thought about better placement of them but the plants don't seem to mind their new home. They are doing great!
We decided to make the new garden where the old horse pasture used to be. It was difficult to start up. We had to till up the grass and then painstakingly sift through the soil to really get it all out. Then it was a mad dash to try and get all the seeds in. Unfortunately, a lot of the seeds never sprouted. There are two reasons for this...
1. I used seeds from last year. I stored them in a cool, dry and dark place, so I thought they would all be fine. But most of them didn't sprout.
2. Little did I know, I had a couple smart chickens who quietly followed behind me eating what I had just dropped into the row. I have to say, I have no idea how long they had been following me...
Here is a photo of our seed started tomatoes in our new garden.
Dry beans
Squash or pumpkin. I had a plan at first, where I knew what mounds were what, but I had to replant some of them and now I have no idea. So it will just be a surprise!
Sweet potatoes